
Showing posts from September, 2019

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Exploring Police Reporting Among Victimized U.S. Nomads

  In recent years, the rise of a nomadic lifestyle in the United States has gained significant attention, with many individuals opting to live on the road in vans, RVs, or even tents, moving frequently from place to place. This lifestyle, often romanticized as a form of freedom and escape from societal norms, comes with its own set of challenges, especially when it comes

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Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated

On this day, April 4th, in 1968, Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, TN. King was born on January 15, 1929 at Altanta, GA to Reverend Martin Luther King, Sr. and Alberta King. Martin Luther King is famous for his job as a Civil Rights leader. During the Civil Rights Movement, King led the 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott, helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, in 1963 helped organize the March on Washington where's gave his famous"I Have A Dream" speech. In 1968, King and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference began working on the Poor People's Campaign to help address issues of economic justice. In late March, he traveled to Memphis, TN in support of Black sanitary public works employees, whom had been striking for 3 months. On his way down, his flight has been delayed because of a bomb threat made on the plane in which he would be traveling. In his final speech on April 3 in the Mason Temple in Memphis he explained: King was s...

Who set Luebella down the wych elm?

One of this group, Bob Farmer, climbed the tree looking for bird eggs. From the trunk he seen what he thought to be an animal skull. Retrieving it, he was horrified to find that it had been human. The boys panicked because they had trespassed, therefore they decided to not tell anyone. Afterwards, one of the boys felt guilty and informed his parents of the discovery and they called the police. In the trunk was an almost complete skeleton, along with a shoe, a gold ring and pieces of clothes. A hand was found buried near the shrub. Forensics showed that the skeleton was a female, aged 35-40. She was dead for 18 months. Taffeta within the mouth suggested that she was asphyxiated and put into the cavity of this tree although still warm. The police trawled through missing person reports and dental documents to get an outcome, but to no avail. She seemed to have appeared from nowhere, and has been missed by no one.


Kenneth Rijock's Financial Crime Blog: BUREAU OF PRISONS TO SEND VIKTOR BOUT TO MEDIUM SE... : In the aftermath of the uproar over why the Federal Bureau of Prisons designated convicted arms trafficker, Viktor Bout, for the maximu...