
Showing posts from January, 2021

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The Compounding Effects of Negative Life Events and Peer Victimization on Internalizing Symptoms in Middle School

  Middle school is a critical developmental period during which children experience rapid physical, emotional, and social changes. While it is a time of significant growth, it is also a period marked by vulnerability to various forms of stress, including negative life events and peer victimization.

Tell Your Story

Tell Your Story After your have sent your story and you have some distance from writing it, I suggest you read it again. Really feel your feelings as you read it. Then ask yourself. "What am I WILLING to do about this?" Please don't talk to yourself about what you "should" do. You probably have many things you "should" do and your friends have probably given you the same "shoulds." But "shoulds" are not helpful. You will not do anything because you "should." (Me and my friends have a long list for me. I "should" lose weight. I "should" exercise more. I "should" save more money. I "should" be nicer. I "should" keep my house cleaner. Am I doing these? NO!) The real question is, "What are you WILLING to do?" It does not have to be much to start. Maybe you are willing to read more books on domestic violence. Maybe you are willing to talk honestly to one fr