Megan R. Aldridge - Green Forest - 30 - hold for Harrison P.D.
Carrmie S. Arthur - Eureka Springs - 39 - public intox
Sharliene L. Dann-Nease - Diamond City - 38 - failure to appear x 2, failure to pay, contempt of court, hold for Boone Co.
William M. Eaton - Green Forest - 44 - battery, disorderly conduct
Karonda L. Fuqua - Green Forest - 40 - battery, disorderly conduct
Julia N. Gatlin - Green Forest - 20 - hindering apprehension, possession of controlled substance x 2, possession of drug paraphernalia
Connie Jibaiur - Green Forest - 39 - driving on suspended, no proof of insurance
Jessica M. Kelley - Fayetteville - 36 - hold for Washington Co.
Austin R. McCalister - Green Forest - 26 - failure to appear, possession drug paraphernalia
Katie L. McElroy - Harrison - 25 - court commit
Jerry Robinson - Green Forest - hindering apprehension, possession controlled substance, possession drug paraphernalia
Shelby County Sheriff's Office.
11/15/19, Cruse, Jacob, 28, Center, Possession of Dangerous Drug, Center PD

11/15/19, Cruse, Jacob, 28, Center, Possession of a Controlled Substance, Center PD
11/15/19, Flournoy, Wesley, 42, Center, Failure to Appear (Driving While License Invalid with Previous Conviction), DPS
11/15/19, Coleman, Racheal, 33, Center, Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle, Center PD
11/15/19, Cartwright, Marcus, 36, Center, Violation of Parole, Center PD
11/14/19, Busher, Daniel, 18, Joaquin, Evading Arrest, Sheriff's Department
11/14/19, Adams, Johnny L., 36, Carthage, Possession of Marijuana, Center PD
11/14/19, Reynolds, Michael, 50, Tenaha, Failure to Appear (Criminal Trespass), Center PD
11/14/19, Reynolds, Michael, 50, Tenaha, Possession of a Controlled Substance, Center PD
11/14/19, Testerman, Sheena, 35, Joaquin, Possession of a Controlled Substance, Center PD
11/14/19, Testerman, Sheena, 35, Joaquin, Possession of a Controlled Substance, Center PD
11/13/19, Suell, Bobby, 58, Center, Possession of a Controlled Substance, Center PD
11/13/19, Marsh, Dakota, 20, Gary, Theft of Firearm, Sheriff's Department
11/13/19, Samford, Randall, 62, Center, Driving While Intoxicated with Open Container, DPS
11/13/19, Burns, LaDaryl, 43, Mansfield, LA, Failure to Appear (Fail to Comply), Sheriff's Department
11/13/19, Smith, William, 38, Logansport, Theft of Firearm, Sheriff's Department
11/12/19, Burcham, Jeremy, 37, Mineola, Violation of Protective Order, Sheriff's Department
11/12/19, Burcham, Jeremy, 37, Mineola, Terroristic Threat, Sheriff's Department
11/11/19, Sotero, Fransisco, 34, Center, Terroristic Threat, Sheriff's Department
11/11/19, Sotero, Fransisco, 34, Center, Criminal Mischief, Sheriff's Department
11/11/19, Belcher, David, 36, Tenaha, Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle, Sheriff's Department
11/11/19, Belcher, David, 36, Tenaha, Burglary of a Habitation, Sheriff's Department
11/11/19, Armstrong, Derwin, 60, Center, Possession of a Controlled Substance, Center PD
11/11/19, Ross, Cacedric, 39, Center, Terroristic Threat , Center PD
11/11/19, Ross, Cacedric, 39, Center, Evading Arrest with Previous Conviction, Center PD
11/11/19, Garrett, Denise, 25, Center, Criminal Mischief, Sheriff's Department
11/09/19, Barnes, Dontay, 38, Center, Evading Arrest, Center PD
11/08/19, Whiteside, Waylon, 35, Joaquin, 180 Days Order of Confinement (Intoxicated Person), Sheriff's Department
11/08/19, Jimenez, Agustin, 42, Center, 10 Days in Jail Order of Confinement (Driving While Intoxicated 3rd or More), Sheriff's Department
09/16/19, Dutton, Riki, 28, Center, Possession of Controlled Substance with Intent to Deliver, Center PD
09/16/19, Dutton, Riki, 28, Center, Evading Arrest with Vehicle, Center PD
09/16/19, Dutton, Riki, 28, Center, Tampering/Fabricating Physical Evidence with Intent to Impair, Center PD
09/16/19, Dutton, Riki, 28, Center, Bond Surrender (Possession of a Controlled Substance), Center PD
09/16/19, Dutton, Riki, 28, Center, Bond Surrender (Deadly Conduct), Center PD
09/16/19, Dutton, Riki, 28, Center, Driving While License Invalid with Previous Conviction, Center PD
11/08/19, Cameron, Mark, 71, Center, Continuous Sexual Assault of Young Child, Sheriff's Department
11/08/19, Cameron, Mark, 71, Center, Aggravated Sexual Assault, Sheriff's Department
11/08/19, Cameron, Mark, 71, Center, Aggravated Sexual Assault, Sheriff's Department
11/08/19, Cameron, Mark, 71, Center, Aggravated Sexual Assault, Sheriff's Department
11/06/19, Haessly, Justin, 32, Center, Bond Surrender (Possession of a Controlled Substance), Center PD
11/07/19, Solis, Heaven, 19, Center, Theft, Center PD
11/07/19, Nash, Exie, 49, Nacogdoches, Violation of Probation (Driving While Intoxicated - 2nd), Sheriff's Department
11/06/19, Cloudy, Rashad, 34, Center, Assault Family Impede Breath, Center PD
11/06/19, Haessly, Justin, 32, Center, Failure to Appear (Burglary), Center PD
11/06/19, Haessly, Justin, 32, Center, Failure to Appear (Possession of a Controlled Substance), Center PD
11/06/19, Patton, Austan, 30, Center, Violation of Probation (Theft of Property), Sheriff's Department
11/06/19, Smith, Laurel , 23, Center, Violation of Probation, Sheriff's Department
11/06/19, Daniels, Candace, 17, Joaquin, Theft of Property, Center PD
11/06/19, Daniels, Ashley, 19, Joaquin, Theft of Property, Center PD
11/05/19, Lampley, Bailey Wain, 19, Tenaha, Interfere with Emergency Call, Sheriff's Department
11/05/19, Lampley, Bailey Wain, 19, Tenaha, Assault Causing Bodily Injury Family Violence, Sheriff's Department
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